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Build a Referral-Based Law Firm

145 pages of proven, use-them-today tips and tools

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Come For The Referral Partnerships

More referral relationships
with local attorneys

1. We build a list of local attorneys with complementary practices, and obtain your approval before reaching out to the prospective referral sources.

2. We begin contacting the local attorneys using a combination of phone and email, and schedule phone appointments each month for you with those attorneys who are interested in talking about a referral alliance.

3. After your call, we provide your prospective new referral source with access to some of our content, and brand the chosen pieces so you start the relationship off with a big give.

“I introduced myself to attorney ____ today as was set up by James and the phone call went well. I appreciate the call suggestions from my account manager — very helpful. We scheduled a lunch and he was most open to a referral alliance. Thanks for setting it up. Perhaps before we meet I could suggest he use one of your books or booklets.”
– Randy Sevenish, injury lawyer
Indianapolis, IN

More referral relationships
with allied professionals

1. We use the same list compilation, approval, and outreach techniques described above, but tailor them for non-attorney professionals who serve your prospective client base.

2. We prep you for your first calls with topics to cover and information to provide and obtain, and then check-in after the call to learn what we can provide to start the relationship on a positive note.

3. We keep you top-of-mind with your new referral sources by sending a series of helpful marketing information, consumer booklets they can use, and cross-referral tips.

“I had a consult this morning with a marriage counselor who received your letter and scheduled an appointment with me to talk referrals. He is sending a few prospective clients my way today.”
– Asa King, family lawyer
Little Rock, AR

More referral relationships
from past clients

1. We create a custom newsletter for you and every-other-month email it to your list, no matter how large.

2. In the intervening months, we email a link to a branded educational booklet with a request to share the link with anyone the information can help.

3. We periodically ask your past clients for reviews to boost your online reputation and feedback to help you improve your service delivery.

“I have always wanted to reach out to our past clients but I have never found the time needed to make it happen. Everything I have read about marketing says that your best source of business should be your past clients, and we never before took advantage of the large list we had.”
– Steven Schwartz, injury lawyer
Boston, MA

Stay For Everything Else

More clients
from your website

1. On your website we install a slide-in which offers a meaty collection of branded FAQs in exchange for contact information and answers to two qualifying questions.

2. The thank you page explains the benefits of a personal consultation and encourages the prospect to call.

3. The prospect next receives a lengthy series of educational emails, with links to informative booklets. Several of the emails suggest a personal consultation. All contain your contact information.

“We had a potential client who almost slipped away. He thought he could get it settled himself with the insurance company. He ignored several of our follow-up calls and emails and I was in the process of closing the case out of our pending client system. As a last thought, I sent him the James booklet about the pitfalls of working your own case and about insurance company tactics. The next day he called our office and signed the retainer.”
– Andrew Nissen, injury lawyer
Laguna Niguel, CA

Great content to
improve your
clients’ and partners’ experience

1. We brand a 100-300 page book with your name, photo, bio, and contact information, and provide you several print copies in addition to a digital version.

2. We brand our extensive collection of educational booklets with your name and contact information, and provide several print copies.

3. We also give you branded shock-and-awe packages, prospect nurturing series, new-client welcome kits, and new-client reassurance series.

“While the campaign is still new, the results are already starting to show. The newsletters and other publications have met with near-unanimous approval from our clients and networking partners.”
– John Stokes, injury lawyer
Gainesville, FL

Frequently-Asked Questions

Cost And Obligation

How much does Marketing Amplifier cost?

We offer 2 versions at the prices of $295 and $495 per month. Details here.

How much does it cost for additional specialties?

Each added specialty costs another $200/month.

If I want additional hard copies of books and booklets, how much do they cost?

Beyond the free copies included with your subscription, extra printed books cost $6 each and printed booklets $5 each.

Do you require a long-term contract?

No. You may cancel at any time for any reason.

How much time will this program require from me?

The only work we ask is two-fold and optional: (1) review any pieces you want to check before we send them, and (2) respond to the requests from allied professionals and attorneys who want to speak with you before they begin sending referrals.


May I request changes in the various pieces of content?

Yes, we are happy to localize, personalize, or otherwise modify our content to suit your needs. For example, maybe you have a big win you want to feature in your newsletter. Perhaps you want to emphasize a state law requirement in one of the booklets, or even add a chapter to your 100-300 page book. We make all those changes for you at no charge.

Can I get exclusivity in my geographic area?

No. However, with all the customization required for each new Referral System, our small team can only add 1-2 law firms per week over 50 states and 8 specialties. The chances of overlap with a local competitor are low.


How soon does outreach begin?

Typically the initial pieces begin going out to past clients and other contacts in the first month, and to prospective professional referral sources in the second month.

Is there a limit to how many email addresses we can provide for the outreach series?

No. The more emails you provide, the more effective are our efforts.

Who are the authors of your printed material?

Our books and booklets are written by attorneys with many years of practice experience in the subject specialty, and have been edited by James attorney-editors with decades of law book editing experience.


How well does the system work?

Every month we will set an average of 2-3 phone appointments for you to discuss referral alliances with local attorneys and allied professionals. Before your first call we will provide topics to cover and talking points. After each successful call we will help cultivate the referral relationship with our content and reminders.

What do you need from me to achieve those results?

Ideally you will give us access to your digital calendar so we can set phone appointments you are available for. If that is not possible, we will need you to provide some blanket times you are likely available (e.g., Wednesdays 3-5 and Fridays 12-2).

Anything else?

We of course need you to make the calls to interested referral sources. Some of those prospective sources may want to visit your office or meet you for lunch or coffee. Local attorneys and allied professionals are not going to refer clients until they trust that you are competent and will take good care of their referrals.


Is your program Bar compliant?

Yes. No cross referrals are required by our professional referral source matchmaking efforts, and it is clearly noted on our videos that the speaker is not an employee of your firm. The Referral System is content-based and education-focused.

Dozens of Happy Subscribers

“I am thrilled with the entire team. They have been an integral part of working with my website design team to make sure all parties are on the same page for this huge marketing initiative. Whenever I have asked for help or questioned something, the entire team has been there for me. I do not look at James Publishing as a vendor, rather, they are part of my team to help get me to the next level and beyond.”

Andrew Rosenberg | Law Office of Andrew G. Rosenberg, P.A.

Coral Springs, FL | Personal Injury

“I would recommend the James Marketing Amplifier as the content is relevant and informative, and the communication with your team has been timely and straightforward. There is no easier way to send great content to your current referral sources or to gain new ones.”

Miller & Miller

Milwaukee, WI | Bankruptcy

“I like the Marketing Amplifier because the content is very good and it saves me time from having to write things so that I can concentrate on other things in my practice. I am looking forward to the other practice areas to be rolled out so I can get on board for those as well.”

Frances Tomes | Tomes & Hanratty, P.C.

Freehold, NJ | Bankruptcy, Social Security Disability

“Overall we have been blown away with the quality of the materials and services James Publishing has provided. Our shareholders have both come to me raving about the lead generation and referral systems and have had nothing but positive things to say about their experience.”

Diane Duran | Giddens + Gatton Law, P.C.

Albuquerque, NM | Bankruptcy

“Had a divorce consult this morning. The guy was actually a marriage counselor who received my (your) letter, and scheduled an appointment with me to talk referrals. We ended up exchanging business cards, and he is sending a few people my way today. I’m excited to see how the outreach to law firms works out.”

Asa King | The Law Office of Asa F. King

Little Rock, AR | Family

“I have always wanted to reach out to our past clients but I have never found the time needed to make it happen. Everything I have read about marketing says that your best sources of business should be your past clients, and we never took advantage of the large list we had. Seeing that we wrote a book or a large FAQ paper shows the audience our expertise. I also find the people at James to be very responsive and wonderful to deal with.”

Steven Schwartz | Joel H. Schwartz, P.C.

Boston, MA | Personal Injury

Build a Referral-Based Law Firm

145 pages of proven, use-them-today tips and tools

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